Defining Older-than-Clovis at the Gault Site through the Statistical Analysis of the Lithic Debitage Mean Averages of Flake Measurements by Jennifer Gandy
Geologic Context of the Older-than-Clovis Archaeological Material in Area 15 at the Gault Site by Anastasia Gilmer and Charles Frederick
Site Formation Processes at Gault by Bryan Heisinger & Anastasia Gilmer
Microwear Analysis of Clovis and Older Than Clovis Artifacts from the Gault Site by Marilyn Shobergy
Lithic Technological Trends of the Older-Than-Clovis Components at the Gault Site, Bell County, Texas (41BL323) by Nancy Velchoff, Tom Williams, Robert Lassen and Jennifer Gandy

3-D plot of Clovis (green) and Olderthan- Clovis (red) artifacts, bedrock (gray), and
large limestone rocks (blue) in the lower 2 meters of excavated Area 15 (view is looking
south). Clovis artifacts are a point, blades, diagnostic debitage, bifaces, core, and unifaces.
Older-than-Clovis component artifacts lacking established age assignments consist of
potentially time-diagnostic blade cores, blades, tools on blades, bifaces, flake cores, and tools
on flakes. The anomalous pile of large, irregular limestone rocks measures 108 cm EW,
79cm N-S and 51cm high, consists of clasts up to 35 cm across and 15 cm thick and lacking
in stream rounding, partly supported by soft sediment, and neither clearly natural nor
human-made. A few non-diagnostic flakes were present throughout. Stratigraphically, it
extends downward from the base of the Clovis component through most of the underlying

Defining Older-than-Clovis at the Gault Site through the Statistical Analysis of the Lithic Debitage Mean Averages of Flake Measurements by Jennifer Gandy
Geologic Context of the Older-than-Clovis Archaeological Material in Area 15 at the Gault Site by Anastasia Gilmer and Charles Frederick
Site Formation Processes at Gault by Bryan Heisinger & Anastasia Gilmer
Microwear Analysis of Clovis and Older Than Clovis Artifacts from the Gault Site by Marilyn Shobergy
Lithic Technological Trends of the Older-Than-Clovis Components at the Gault Site, Bell County, Texas (41BL323) by Nancy Velchoff, Tom Williams, Robert Lassen and Jennifer Gandy
3-D plot of Clovis (green) and Olderthan- Clovis (red) artifacts, bedrock (gray), and
large limestone rocks (blue) in the lower 2 meters of excavated Area 15 (view is looking
south). Clovis artifacts are a point, blades, diagnostic debitage, bifaces, core, and unifaces.
Older-than-Clovis component artifacts lacking established age assignments consist of
potentially time-diagnostic blade cores, blades, tools on blades, bifaces, flake cores, and tools
on flakes. The anomalous pile of large, irregular limestone rocks measures 108 cm EW,
79cm N-S and 51cm high, consists of clasts up to 35 cm across and 15 cm thick and lacking
in stream rounding, partly supported by soft sediment, and neither clearly natural nor
human-made. A few non-diagnostic flakes were present throughout. Stratigraphically, it
extends downward from the base of the Clovis component through most of the underlying